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Whilst I rather enjoyed this animation, I felt that it wasn't half as good as it really could have been.

It seems as if the main joke that you're trying to get across here is the sudden drop of his accent to a more "lower class" accent after the hypnosis part. It's as if you made the animation expecting that sudden change in his voice to get some laughs, but really, it wasn't that funny. I certainly didn't laugh. Perhaps it was just poorly executed, but I get the impression that this sudden drop implies that Theodore is not who he seems. He seemed up until this point to be a bizzare, eccentric, and extremely creepy man with a dracula complex. Characters who are as extreme and wacky as this are often seen as being funny. However, the sudden drop of his accent to something else implies that it is all an act, which is no longer wacky and unworldly, because people do put on accents and answer phone calls in real life. Hell, you did it for the entire length of this video, so I think you'll agree that it plants the whole experience firmly in the "mundane" and stops it from having that whole "twilight zone" weirdness that you were doing such a good job of establishing in the earlier portions of the video.

The other joke that you try to get across is the whole hypnotism thing. To be honest, it felt to me as if you had simply run out of things to say by that point and were trying to insert some padding to your prank call. Did you never have a childhood? There are a thousand better ways to stretch out a prank call than going off on a bizzare monologue such as a hypnotism sequence, which only actually tells the person on the other end of the phone that you are trolling them. It's too obvious, and at that point it loses all humour because you KNOW that the person on the other side of the phone is no longer convinced. It's like any other practical joke of this type - when the 'victim' no longer believes the joke, it is no longer funny, and you might as well just stop. The 'hypnotism' portion of this just wasn't very funny and reeked of poor scripting.

However, the first few seconds of the animation are very good and your choice of music is a perfect fit. The "Yeeees, this is Theodore. Who rings?" line was just excellent and the delivery actually raised a smile on this end. The way how he calls it a "telephone system" instead of just a "phone" is the sort of creepy, slightly unusual character trait that you should have built on more heavily, instead of the Jeckyll and Cockney Joe voice change that you did at the end. His low, lazy, drawling voice is excellent and gives an impression of him being in control the whole time. However, as the animation goes on, it gets less funny with each passing moment, sadly. It appears to peak early.

However, it was still, overall, a good piece with something original to it that was well worth watching, and I wouldn't have written this lengthy review if I didn't think it was worth my time or yours.

TL:DR version - Music good. Character good. Voice good. Animation passable. Sudden accent change bad. Hypnotism bad. Brock bad.

GORGON-The-Mighty responds:

Just in case you didnt read the description or the end credits, i'll state here that I didnt record the audio. This is something I took from someones podcast and animated. As such, I didnt have any real control over what he said.

Secondly, this 'reverse prank' call was completely spontaneous. Mike David (the man doing the voice of Theodore) had no idea the woman was going to call. A fan of the show, without him knowing, put his details up on Craigslist giving away free items that he didnt actually own. He didn't know who she was, or what she was going to inquire about. He simply put on a voice he thought sounded like the name 'Theodore', and then through some very clever questioning, was able to come up with some material so he wasn't left to say nothing. You have to give the guy credit for being able to do that.

I can definitely see how some people wouldn't find this as funny as others. Especially if they're a stranger to the podcast. In context (like most things) it's much more humorous.

Cheers for spending a chunk of your time writing that essay, makes me feel important :D

now I must kill John Lennon....


South Park references aside, I'm not entirely sure what I just watched. It didn't really make much sense to me at all....

But then again, I guess that was the point. Too bad it isn't very entertaining, and doesn't demonstrate any real obvious skill, otherwise, I would have voted more generously.

Virro responds:

Maybe it will become something in the future. 125.27 is the penal code for murder in the first degree. I was thinking of making a flash about experiments with thought reform on "death row" subjects.

Sonic is tonedeaf.

Sonic was singing off-key, but other than that, it wasn't half bad.

Peda responds:

Now fixed so the music matches Sonic's pitch. Much more pleasant!

"this is to certify that House is faking his limp"

I totally loved this animation.
The characters were well-drawn, and you managed to make a very close likeness to Hugh Laurie, and for that I commend you.

As I was watching your animation, I was convinced that if anyone was going to do something creepy, it was going to be the little blonde girl, but you completely led me in the wrong direction with that one, and I've got to say that it made the "punchline" all the more funny.

I really liked the subtle "background humour" that you've put into this piece. Such things as House's diploma in the background (which merely certifies that his limp is faked), and his scribbled-out name on the front of his door are just pure comedy genius.

Also, the 'bonus scene' at the end about poor people having to have children purely so that they can eat something at christmas was just genius. Was that Roan Atkinson's voice that I heard in there?

It's at this point in a review that I would normally put some sort of little criticism to help the author/animator improve, but really, I can't find anything significant to fault you on. (If anything at all)

Enjoy your ten stars and five ginger-kid rating. You've earned it!

TmsT responds:

Yes, it was Rowan Atkinson indeed. The soundbite was from Blackadder III - a much more ingenious (and hilarious) show than House, to be sure. :]

That ain't dancing.

Re-scaling and flipping an image does not count as dancing.

Put some effort into your work, and I'll put some effort into reviewing it.

Chaz-o responds:

In some circles yes that IS dancing....

And no, no i will not change anything.

Front page material.

It's refreshing to see an animation on NG that doesn't completely rely on half-assed randomness to get a laugh out of the audience.
I think that this is a very nicely animated little piece, and I wouldn't be surprised if I saw it on the front page in the coming weeks.

Ten Stars.

Andrew-Buckley responds:

Im hoping for the same outcome.
Thank you for the stars and thanks for watching.


What a scary, screwed up place it must be inside your head...
Eight stars.

jackthetrippr responds:

Im making a piece of what I guess you could call "modern art" at the moment, in my bedroom. I've been getting alot of sun lately and my skin has been peeling, so every night before bed I peel off as much skin as possible and using my saliva as glue, I paste them onto a mirror. Its starting go brown and smell but I think its going to be rather splendid when the entire mirror is covered. Let me know if you want some pictures of it.

A little pointer...

Every single one of your 'adolf hitler pokemon movies' has made me laugh, but really, the joke's kinda gone on for long enough, and I'm frankly starting to get a little tired of just seeing Addie photoshopped to look like a pokemon....

I think the time has come to actually put a little more effort into it, and instead of making hundreds of movies which amount to Adolf Hitler standing still next to a Pokemon, you could actually make them move....

Do Hitler in a Pokemon battle, where his pokeballs open up and SS come out or something, and mass-exterminate pikachus....
Or he uses a massive number of pokemon to invade poland...
Or he gets a pokemon to use a poison attack on himself in an underground bunker to commit suicide....

It's not difficult to come up with some ideas for an animated short, but I think that you would find it most worthwhile.

AfroUnderscoreStud responds:

That sounds mean.

I'm a student studying a 32-hour a week science course, and I have a 20-hour per week job. I don't have much free time, but I spend much of it animating, drawing, and studying martial arts. I will be posting my works up here for all to see very soon.

Age 36, Male


Aberdeen Uni.


Joined on 10/27/07

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