A little pointer...
Every single one of your 'adolf hitler pokemon movies' has made me laugh, but really, the joke's kinda gone on for long enough, and I'm frankly starting to get a little tired of just seeing Addie photoshopped to look like a pokemon....
I think the time has come to actually put a little more effort into it, and instead of making hundreds of movies which amount to Adolf Hitler standing still next to a Pokemon, you could actually make them move....
Do Hitler in a Pokemon battle, where his pokeballs open up and SS come out or something, and mass-exterminate pikachus....
Or he uses a massive number of pokemon to invade poland...
Or he gets a pokemon to use a poison attack on himself in an underground bunker to commit suicide....
It's not difficult to come up with some ideas for an animated short, but I think that you would find it most worthwhile.